Thursday, October 3, 2024

Top 5 Empire Units (for Legion II)

Good morning gamers

This is Gorgoroth, and I am here to talk about my top 5 Empire units for the updated Legion. Now if you read my other post about my top 5 Empire units, you will know that I specialize in this department in not just words, but humor. However, that was before all the rules changed, so then I realized that I was spreading pure lies to all you good folks who read our stupid stuff (Ed. it's not stupid, you rapscallion! ~Tiberius). 

So, since I felt bad about that, I have returned to do it again while the rules are still new and so I can show you awesome strategies while everybody is still learning. So, lets jump in starting at number 5 which is of course.....

Pick #5: Shoretroopers

Photo Credit: Tabletop Admiral

These guys were always awesome when I ran them and they are, not surprisingly, still awesome. They are still the only Empire Corps unit with black dice on their guns and they picked up Prepared Positions which gives them a dodge token when they deploy and lets them deploy without spending an action. They are at Speed 1 now but are still red dice defenders which gives them the leg up. Now that I have poured out my heart on these guys, I need to address their heavy weapon which is in my opinion the most awesome weapon in the game (no offense, Vader. Darth Vader: "None (wheeze) taken (wheeze).") So yeah, they are really awesome but do you know what is even more awesome? Moving On!

Pick #4: Imperial Special Forces

Photo Credit: Tabletop Admiral 

These are thankfully in the Special Forces slot for their creative name. They still have
 Reliable 1 which gives them a surge for defiance against blaster bolts. They particularly caught my eye because having played against Clone Commandos (and believe me, those guys are a pain in the helmet) they have Infiltrate which means they can deploy for free basically. And that is game changing I have realized watching with unblinking eyes as my uncle gets crushed as Clones start spilling blood. I'm not huge on their heavy weapon but hey, you can't win 'em all. So they are my number 4 but I am just getting started because my number 3 might sound familiar....

Pick #3: Imperial Royal Guards

Photo Credit: Tabletop Admiral

Since I already talked about them you can spend ten button clicks going over there . . . . . . . come on just do it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oh fine, have it your way. These guys are just so unspeakably, undoubtedly awesome. They can do a lot of damage in melee with red-blacks for each one - you should just dump the 70 points you have to pay and just buy them. They have
 Guardian 2 which is really nice for making sure that your troops survive, they have charge and really good blasters which have felled many Clones and Rebels and occasionally some traitorous Imperials. They aren't expensive for their health, they have Courage 2, and they have red dice saves to prevent what happens to them in the future. Now something else in the future is my number 2! 

Pick #2: Range Troopers

Photo Credit: Tabletop Admiral

These guys are just so good! I mean, like, the red dice saves, the courage, and the long range! Sweet! They have long range which has a lot of potential because the first long range weapons were little dice pools and, since sniping people is easier now thanks to the new cover rules, they can shoot down people from far away without worrying about cover with their huge attack pool. They also have
 Armor 1, Scale, and Advanced Targeting. Not to mention Unhindered. These guys are loaded with special rules galore. They get aim tokens when they shoot at troopers and movement bonuses and the ability to cancel a hit every time they are shot at. They have a lot of potential with their T-21 heavy weapon which has the attack pool of WWBB and Suppressive.  They are formidable, but not as formidable as my number 1! 

Pick #1: Commander Darth Vader

Photo Credit: Tabletop Admiral

Darth Vader might be the most powerful unit in the game - he has six command cards, a lot of Pierce, and six red dice. He has unlimited courage and the ability to use the Force, not to mention being able to move suppressed Corps troopers. He is the most powerful Sith in the galaxy and has earned my respect by winning my battles. He is a game changer with every Speed 1 move with Relentless he takes. He has found a place in my heart with the way he leads and rallies his troops and mighty forces to victory and he hopes - he really hopes - that you will give Empire a try if you never tried because he knows that you could never fail when the force is with you. 

So, likewise, 

May The Force Be With You

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