Thursday, October 3, 2024

Top 5 Empire Units (for Legion II)

Good morning gamers

This is Gorgoroth, and I am here to talk about my top 5 Empire units for the updated Legion. Now if you read my other post about my top 5 Empire units, you will know that I specialize in this department in not just words, but humor. However, that was before all the rules changed, so then I realized that I was spreading pure lies to all you good folks who read our stupid stuff (Ed. it's not stupid, you rapscallion! ~Tiberius). 

So, since I felt bad about that, I have returned to do it again while the rules are still new and so I can show you awesome strategies while everybody is still learning. So, lets jump in starting at number 5 which is of course.....

Pick #5: Shoretroopers

Photo Credit: Tabletop Admiral

These guys were always awesome when I ran them and they are, not surprisingly, still awesome. They are still the only Empire Corps unit with black dice on their guns and they picked up Prepared Positions which gives them a dodge token when they deploy and lets them deploy without spending an action. They are at Speed 1 now but are still red dice defenders which gives them the leg up. Now that I have poured out my heart on these guys, I need to address their heavy weapon which is in my opinion the most awesome weapon in the game (no offense, Vader. Darth Vader: "None (wheeze) taken (wheeze).") So yeah, they are really awesome but do you know what is even more awesome? Moving On!